Dang......have y'all become so spoiled with the automation of logging, that
y'all have forgotten what was done using "paper logs"? Remember them? Why
not just use the "notes for this QSO" box for situations such as this, and
move on! Is it really necessary to have the manager printed on the label for
"direct" QSL's? Bureau QSL's are another situation, and would require some
C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Borowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dx4win@mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: [Dx4win] Multiple QSL managers for different modes on same callsign

What I've found to work for me is to alter the callsign such as; K1B/SSB for
SSB QSO's and list the manager for that callsign as RZ3AA and all other
modes for K1B QSO's QSL to YT1AD. You do have to remember to alter the
callsign for any SSB QSO but if you set the first SSB QSO with K1B to
K1B/SSB and also make the Baker & Howland Island exception for K1B/SSB in
the prefix box, then set the QSL manager to RZ3AA, all subsequent QSO's with
K1B/SSB will have the correct QSL manager. 73, -=Rog-K9RB=-

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