Here is a big problem for me but a small one for some. My DX4Win crashed and 
I lost my log. Not a big deal as I only had 380 some contacts logged. What I 
did was went in and reentered all of the cards that I have. I did loose all 
the contacts that were not confirmed but that just makes me have to go get 
them again. Again, no big deal. However, I had submitted cards for my 1st 
DXCC and now I can't tell which ones those are. I have my log from when I 
submitted the cards but I would like to be able to have this show on my 
DX4WIN log so I know when I am ready to submit again. Any way to rectify this 
problem? I suppose I could go in and start a new file and reenter the DXCC 
cards and then submit. Then reenter all the rest. But I was hoping for an 
easier solution. 
Thanks for the help in advance. 
Mark, AB8MS

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