> Dear Sirs,
> Let's discuss please "charge back" problem for online businesses that
> accept directly or indirectly (PayPal, Click bank etc) credit cards.
> Is there any reasonable way (exept accepting e-currencies ) to fight with
> bad customers who bought your online product using credit card and ask
> money back through their bank?
> May be there is some rules like for a example  "customer can ask charge
> back not later then within 7 days after purchasing" or you can expect
> charge back from any customer any time?


I have been selling software on the net for over two years and I have to say
chargebacks have not been a problem so far.
There have been less than 1% chargebacks for me.
I use the service at Digibuy.com

For me the trick is to overdeliver on what you promise in your webpages.
I give my clients a little more than what they expect to get after reading my
site. If people feel good about you they are much less likely to do a charge

I see all this websites and 8 page letters with a great sales pitch offering
almost irresistable things, but when people order and get their package in the
mail they are dissapointed and do a chargeback.

I don't use all this american style hype telling how great this software is and
how you won't need any other package, and chargebacks are not much of a problem.

While things are probably different according to what you are selling, basically
this principle applies for any type business.
You can seduce more people into ordering your stuff by putting up a 'fantastic',
'great' sales letter offering many 'free' bonuses. But if people are dissappointed
with what you deliver, which is more likely if they have inflated expectations,
chargebacks will be high..



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