> I have been selling software on the net for over two years and I have to
> chargebacks have not been a problem so far.
> There have been less than 1% chargebacks for me.
> I use the service at Digibuy.com
> For me the trick is to overdeliver on what you promise in your webpages.
> I give my clients a little more than what they expect to get after reading
> site. If people feel good about you they are much less likely to do a
> back..


I don't know what the merchant is selling, but if he's selling digital
currencies, he needs to take extreme care. It's different when selling
digital currencies. Thieves don't want software, so they leave you alone,
but they flock to people selling digital currencies because they can buy
with fake documentation, and there's no physical shipping address.

You will be wiped-out, if you sell a digital currency through credit card
payments, unless you learn how to do it safely, and there are only a few
people who've succeeded at that. Ask the exchange services which offer sales
through credit cards to share their techniques with you.



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