Dear Ecologgers:

   It might seem odd to say this, but the problem is
that in our education (as in yours) knowledge has been
at the top, NOT values (or ethics for that matter).

But then again, japanese (that supposebly do stress
values before knowledge) also have been known to trip
on plagiarism.

So I guess a simple problem has complex social
solutions (nothing new there).

<P>Abraham de Alba Avila</P>
<P>Terrestrial Plant Ecology</P>
<P> Ap. postal 20,</P>
<P> Pabellón Arteaga, 20660</P>
<P> Aguascalientes, MEXICO</P>
<P> Tel: (465) 95-801-67, & 801-86 ext. 118, FAX ext 102
alternate: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cel: 449-157-7070</P>

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