RE: George C. Marshall Institute funding paper
  With due respect, I see no problem with a scientist or private citizen 
calling for more research, "further exploration" and a clear, unbiased view of 
the facts in a given situation.  Kelly, your scoff that the Institute didn't 
use any peer-reviewed sources makes little sense to me, given the paper's 
topic.  Seems that the author looked at grant sources over the past few years, 
grant applicants, and dollar amounts.  With respect, I would like to know which 
"peer-reviewed" sources you would have liked him to use?  Aside from the 
Foundation Center and Guidestar, I don't know of any.
  The author of this paper is asking very relevant questions, especially since 
climate change science will form the foundation of every policy we're to make 
for the foreseeable future:
  -- Are grant funders looking for specific results from those they award 
grants to?
  -- Do the funders ever refuse grants if they don't like the topic or 
hypothesis or the grant-seeker?  (I would have to say YES they do.)
  -- How are internal and external reviews conducted?
  These are all fundamental Quality Assurance questions, designed to ensure 
that the researcher is posing a legitimate hypothesis and will use valid 
techniques to obtain a truthful result, regardless of outcome.  
  Why is it that those who simply seek more information about climate change 
(including a look at climate history over the millenia) are labelled as 
"deniers" and "contrarians"?  There is an emotional zeal with which they are 
publicly denounced, and any scientist with a differing hypothesis is 
excommunicated and shunned.  
  If science can't be furthered by open, honest, logical debate and respectful 
DISCUSSION, then we might as well be living on a flat planet in the middle of 
the universe, carried along on the back of a celestial turtle.
  Kelly Stettner, Director

Black River Action Team (BRAT)
  45 Coolidge Road
  Springfield, VT  05156

~Making ripples on the Black River since 2000! ~

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