It is apparently easy for scientists who don't derive a salary from sales of their creative works to dismiss the concerns of those who do derive their salary from such sales.

If you make an unauthorized download of my work for free, the work may still be available on whatever Web site -- probably unauthorized itself -- for others to likewise download. What is missing is INCOME THAT I SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED from a legitimate sale of that item. That is still theft, no different from snatching cigars from a store, and no amount of rationalization will change that.

If you want to give away your money, feel free to do so. But I demand you respect my right to decide when or when not to give away mine.


Alexey Voinov wrote:
There is a huge difference between downloading an image or paper from a web site and stealing a box of cigars from a shop.

1. Cigars are in a shop and for sale. There is a price tag and a clear procedure for purchasing them.

2. More important, as Jane already noted: When you take that box of cigars from the shop, they are no longer there. You took them and they are gone for anybody else to use. With files it does not matter how many downloads occurred - the files are still there nice and intact for others to use. Information does not get destroyed when it's used. That's the beauty of information.

 David M. Lawrence        | Home:  (804) 559-9786
 7471 Brook Way Court     | Fax:   (804) 559-9787
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"We have met the enemy and he is us."  -- Pogo

"No trespassing
 4/17 of a haiku"  --  Richard Brautigan

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