
Are you measuring on the correct pin, and do you have the RF GAIN at full
Clockwise rotation (Max gain)?

I see no indication that 8 volts should be measured for the AGC.  The manual
page 47 calls for setting the AGC Threshold pot to achieve a voltage of 3.80
volts as measured at Control Board U2 pin 5.  If you are not able to adjust
that high, check the soldering of Control Board RP6 and pot R1 carefully,
make certain the resistance from Control Board P1 pin 6 to ground is close
to zero (if it is higher, check the connectors), and lastly check the
voltage available at the OUT terminal of Control Board U4.  There are no
active devices in this part of the circuit - it is just a resistive voltage
divider with two legs and driven by the 8 volt supply rail.


> -----Original Message-----
> Last night I completed what the manual calls "Assembly, Part I" of the
> RF board.  What a great feeling to power up the K2 to check out the
> control and display boards, and to hear the relays click and see the
> menus working.  So far the only thing that hasn't quite reached
> recommended values is that my control board AGC voltage maxes out at
> 7.92 V rather than the 8 V mentioned in the manual.  I'll have to search
> & see if anyone has reported a similar thing.
> Anyway, once the K2 is up and running I'll be glad to check into the net
> from Delaware once I make a portable dipole for 20m.  Maybe another
> month, plus or minus a little.  In my year and a half on the air as a
> ham I've never checked into a CW net, though, so that'll probably be an
> adventure itself!
> Mike  AB3AP

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