Jess Gypin wrote:
        I am in the process of building a K2 with the 100 watt amp for another 
He also needs to drive a linear. I also apologize as I have not looked on
the website. Can someone point me to some information about this so it will
be linear ready when I get it done?

Unless the linear requires you to switch a negative or AC voltage on transmit, the KPA100 is probably all set to drive a linear. Here are the specs for the amplifier keying interface:

PA KEY output
Compatibility DC relay coil, pulled to ground
(do not use with AC-controlled relay)
Current 1 A
Voltage 200 VDC

The switching is all solid-state and quite fast, so the K2 can directly drive a QSK linear with no special keying circuitry. For slower relays, you can set the delay to semi-QSK.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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