Interesting observation, Ken.  After seeing a upsurge of interest in G5RV 
antennas discussed on various ham radio reflectors (and noting that the 
interest seems most enthusiastic among newly-minted hams), I honestly feel that 
the recommendations from one new ham to the next seems to be based on 
trumped-up theory that the G5RV is an all-band antenna.  Almost every new ham 
would like an inexpensive, easy-to-build, low profile antenna for "all bands".  
While we know that the G5RV *can* be made to work OK on several bands with a 
tuner, I feel that this new found G5RV interest is a self perpetuating rumor 
spreading like a bad cold among newcomers.  No one seems to want to explore the 
technical issues at hand.

Nice to know that someone has saved the original article.


Terry, W0FM

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken G Kopp [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 5:06 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] OT: G5RV's and variants

It's already been pointed out that the original article by G5RV indicated that 
the antenna was for 20M only.
I have the original article in my files.

I've always wondered why builders of the antenna simply don't make an open-wire 
fed Zepp and stop there.
Why add a "magic" length of coax ... without any kind of impedance matching ... 
to what would otherwise be a Zepp?  Yes, the length of the coax portion of the 
feeder acts as an impedance transformer ... on 20M.
On other bands, all bets are off. (:-)

The antenna requires an antenna tuner to operate on bands other than 20M.  Many 
tuners contain a balun so one has the option of either coax or balanced line 
feeders.  Why not avoid the coax-to-balanced line splice with it's almost 
certain mismatch losses and connect the balanced line portion of the G5RV's 
feeder directly to the tuner?  If the tuner as no internal balun, one can be 
made or purchased.

I once knew a local who actually coiled the coax portion of his G5RV's feed 
"system" behind his desk and then connected it to his tuner.  The end of the 
balanced portion was within inches of his tuner's balanced line connections.

The G5RV certainly qualifies as a "cult" antenna.


Ken Kopp - K0PP

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