Thanks, Larry. Kathy opens up entirely new possibilities for ARRL events. I
was always intimidated by all that fast-paced, short number exchange stuff
in ARRL contests. I thought it was mandated by the rules on the ARRL site.
But instead we're only bound by philosophy. I'm going to enjoy contests more
now that I know the participants are going to enjoy ragchewing with me at 10
wpm. DX contesters will enjoy my efforts to reach across the oceans in
friendship and learn their culture. Afterall, isn't this what ham radio and
the ARRL are all about?

But I think I'll stick with a straight key on Straight Key Night. To
"celebrate the good old days."

KE6US where a Drake 2-NT gets an Elecraft K2 VFO for Christmas!

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Walker (KW4A)
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 8:22 AM
To: Elecraft List
Subject: [Elecraft] SKN

Just got off the phone with Kathy who was speaking for Dan Henderson, N1ND
(Head of ARRL contest division) who is on vacation. I asked her what was the
thinking of the organizers of SKN pertaining to what kind of keys are
acceptable for use during SKN?  Her answer was very definite in as much as
"Any mechanical means of producing a CW signal is acceptable". The bug is
every much a part of radio history as the "straight key" and is perfectly
acceptable for use during SKN.

You can quote the statement shown on the ARRL site as much as you wish but
this is not a "Set of Rules" but more a philosophy of what the night is all
about. The celebration of the "Good old days".  Vintage equipment is being
used more and more on that evening along with the mechanical keys used to
generate cw signals from that era. All is encouraged and acceptable. The
ONLY thing that is not acceptable is the electronic generation of the cw
signal. eg: electronic keyers of any type, keyboards,  etc.

I have tried to represent the thinking of the officials organizing this
event in as simple and straightforward method as possible. I am sure someone
will read something into this that isn't there to promote their thinking
that because the name of the event is Straight Key Night that it is the only
device acceptable. NOT TRUE!!!

Gee, I hope this settles this thread.

K2 ser# 811

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