Must be the logic of learning to live in the elements, with the wind, rain, snow, and sun, and even the moon. Accomplishing what must be, and learning that not all the is expected is gonna happen. With the soft footfalls from underneath, and a clear starry night, a bit of a fresh breath across one's cheek, and the creak a leather, the sought after is found, and once more, the return to the barn is underway. Time for reflection, honest work results in honest rewards. No one playing fence cop, no one yelling about the condition of the saddle... simply the plain facts... saddled horse, pleasant ride, found calf, return, calf and cow are fine. Day done. Seems a whole lot like SKN. Get on the air, have a good conversation, followed by another... and maybe more... and when you turn off the flow of electrons..... a satisfied feeling knowing that it is an accomplishment.
 Simple... rewarding... satisfaction garunteed.

See you on SKN... and who cares what I use.... ?? Come challange me?? What am I using?

--...   ...--
Dale - WC7S in Wy.....

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