It is interesting that SKN should come up right now, although SKN 2006 is 
approaching...I've been cleaning out the shack and going through old issues of 
QST...I came across December, 1975, the last "small" QST, measuring 6 !/2 
inches by 9 1/2 inches...On page 95 in "Operating Events", they mention SKN and 
the rules...The event was 6 hours long and started at 0100 hours Zulu on 
December 31....It specifically said "Rules require the use of a straight 
key"...No amount of revisionist thinking can convince me that a bug is a 
straight key, and I own a left-handed Lightning Bug myself...I don't operate 
SKN anymore, but it always used to "bug" me when I heard someone call CQ SKN 
with a bug...They did not slow down to my speed because they couldn't !!...The 
idea behind SKN was to send ARRL one's operating results and the name and call 
of the best fist heard...IMHO, only a straight key can produce a true fist 
signature, bugs and keyers cannot because they are too automatic and are eith
 er partially of fully devoid of the human element...I know this is going to 
fall on me like a ton of bricks, but that's life, isn't it?...Maybe I'll dust 
off the J-38 on New Year's eve...The K2 is ready, I don't know whether I am or 

Anybody interested in acquiring some old issues of QST, starting around 
1962?...<G>...Don't all yell at once...

Jerry, wa2dkg
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