Quotes from the Bencher website at http://www.bencher.com/whichpaddle.html:

"Frankly, the BY series paddle, like a fine sports car or a surgical scalpel, 
does not respond well to the heavy physical input such operators are 
comfortable with. But that is how old time CW operators, trained on the bugs 
and single lever paddles, learned their craft. 
If you are one of these operators, for you Bencher offers the innovative new 
Hex Paddle. This paddle too is fully iambic, and very nearly as responsive as 
the BY series paddles, yet is also designed to stand up to the most physical 
of operators, thanks to the floating instrument grade ball bearing races and 
magnetic paddle return, not to mention the massive base."

"The BY series, thanks to its unique pivot-pin bearings, is simply the most 
responsive iambic paddle available today."

So, according to Bencher, the BY series is more responsive than the Hex.


On June 16, 2006 06:22 am, David A. Belsley wrote:
> I'm not sure what the Bencher
> folks mean by it's being better for people who are used to bugs.  I
> suppose they mean that, because it is heavy and hard to knock around,
> those with robust habits will be better accommodated.  But the HEX is
> perfectly capable of being used by a very, very light touch.  So I
> guess I find their statement misleading.

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations VA7TO and VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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