In a message dated 3/13/07 7:29:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Can those of you who turn AGC off tell me why? 

The band sounds better that way, IMHO.

 What does it do for you
> that the AGC doesn't?

All of this is IMHO, from a 99%-CW operator with amateur-only experience.

For one thing, it puts me in total control of the receiver. A K2 really has 
manual gain controls: PRE/ATT, RF and AF, and I use all of them.

For another, it helps in QRM-fighting. With AGC on, the receiver gain
wanders up and down according to the total signal strength at the
AGC detector. So if I am copying a weak CW signal with AGC on,
and a strong signal comes into the rx passband, the gain of the rx 
will be controlled by the sum of both signals. So I will be challenged
to both ignore the unwanted signal *and* to ignore its effect on rx gain.
With AGC off, I just have to ignore the unwanted signal.

For a third, if the AGC is fast, the rx gain pumps up and down with each
CW element.  Copying code requires knowing the difference between 
keydown and keyup, tone and no tone, mark and space - and fast AGC 
reduces that difference!

And if the AGC is slow, the RX gain will respond to every pop and blip 
that comes in. It's easier for me to copy through those things if the rx
gain doesn't wander.


IMHO, AGC was developed for 'phone operation. "Hang" AGC was developed for
SSB phone, to reduce pumping due to lack of a carrier. When SSB transceivers 
became all the go 45-odd years ago, they all had AGC. And in many cases it
could not be turned off! So (again IMHO) a lot of hams thought it was the 
way to go.


One of the great things about the K2 is that you can turn the AGC off or on, 
slow or fast, or delay it by not using RF gain at full blast. Many other rigs 
don't offer that
until you get into the big bucks models.

Try it and see!

73 de Jim, N2EY

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