Describing the background was intended to put the AGC discussion in context
and show why AGC and S-meters are so closely integrated. A receiver with an
S-meter is just a sensitive, selective RF voltmeter. Without AGC that
"voltmeter" has a very limited useful range. That's why S-meters didn't
appear until superhetrodyne receivers with AGC came into use. 

I turn AGC off a lot because AGC, in the absence of a signal, brings up the
background QRN to almost to normal listening volume. So the bands sound
noisier than they are. Our ears can follow a huge range of sound levels, but
receiver AGC fails to make use of that. It tries to deliver everything to
our ears at the same volume. Turn AGC off and set the RF gain so the band
noise and any weak signals are very faint, and you'll hear the bands as they
really are. If there's a signal down in the "mud" that you want to copy, you
can turn up the RF/AF gain to bring it up on volume for easier copy,
otherwise you need not have your ears assaulted by artificially-high QRN. 

Still, I use it a lot too. It's a convenience if I don't mind its effects.
It comes in especially handy when contesting, working a net, etc. so one
doesn't have to "ride" the gain control by hand.  


-----Original Message-----
Lots of good info about AGC, but I'm thinking a lot of it is not that useful

In the old days, it sounds like you HAD to turn the AGC off for things to
work right.  That's no longer the case and our operating habits can, and
have, changed.

In my case, I leave AGC on 100% of the time.  I'll turn the RF gain down to
increase the signal to noise ratio.  Turn the RF gain down to the point
where the AGC is not doing much and you have the rig running as if AGC is
off, but it is still there, able to respond to a big signal on freq to
protect your ears.

Can those of you who turn AGC off tell me why?  What does it do for you that
the AGC doesn't?

- Keith N1AS -
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