This was an issue with the early Orion also. As I understand it, PTT in CW was 
eventually implemented on the Orion.

Some of the contesting software will raise PTT and delay a user specified time 
before keying to let the T/R switching settle.  Also, on all the YaeCOMWood 
rigs I have used, releasing PTT returns to RX 'instantly' - cancelling any 
delay set for semi-breakin.

Not having a QSK amplifier, and not particularly caring for QSK at all, PTT in 
CW capability is important to me.  I routinely stomp on the foot switch to 
eliminate the clatter during CW contacts with my ICOM rig - been doing this 
ever since my DX-35 & way to old to change now.

PLEASE make PTT active on CW in the K3!      PLEASE....

73, Bill  N2BC
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