The K2 TEST mode inhibits TX in CW, but it doesn't affect SSB or RTTY modes, only CW and TUNE. I see the K3 has a TEST button which in the quickstart is listed under SSB mode as alowing "off the air adjustments." I hope it applies to all modes, including CW. For me, an across the board TEST gate makes more sense than saying QSK mode = QRT.
On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:41 am, W6NEK wrote:
While in the CW Mode here is how I would like the K3 to operate:
1. Change the firmware to add a 3rd state (OFF) to the QSK and SEMI-BREAK-IN CW modes. When in the "OFF" CW Mode hitting the paddle, or key, WILL NOT cause the rig to go into CW Xmit (but you will still hear the sidetone if enabled).
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