Yes, I also recently requested that DATA A mode default to the LINE IN jack, if there's not a per-mode default for MIC SEL and GAIN. The built-in isolated data interface is great and I unplugged my TigerTronics SL-1+ and used just two cables for digital modes. But as it is, you have to remember to change the MIC SEL setting and readjust the MIC GAIN when you switch from SSB to PSK.

Odd that you mention the speech issue; just a couple of days ago I heard someone in an SSB contest (before SS) on 14.070, probably a similar type of wiring error.


Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 wrote:
I've finally gotten my K3 on the air for 'phone Sweepstakes.

But that leads to a question that may have been answered already- Is
the audio input hard selected, as it appears, or can multiple inputs
be used, depending on where PTT is asserted?  I'd like for my computer
to act as a DVK feeding the back panel line-in, but have a mike with a
PTT switch in the front panel jack and have that for unexpected,
unprogrammed speech (or if the computer crashes).  Sorta like having a
key plugged in even if using a computer for most CW sending.

73, doug
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