Last year I used an inverted V doublet, supported by a telescopic carbon fibre pole (DK9SQ pole <> and review at and fed by a short length of ribbon (300 ohms I think, the clear plastic type) via an SG237. The doublet was not cut for any particular band and I did not use a balun or redials etc. I worked PY from Southern France (~5000 miles) on 20m with 100W SSB from an FT-857.

I haven't tried it yet, but I plan on doing the same again with my K3, but via a BL2 this time.
73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
The universe is like a safe to which there is a combination. But the
combination is locked up in the safe.
-Peter De Vries, editor, novelist (1910-1993)

On 13 May 2008, at 16:37, Brian Lloyd wrote:

OK, I am convinced - keep the tuner and the wire. So, that brings up a second question: balanced vs. unbalanced.

Wire antennas that do not require a counterpoise are usually loops or dipoles, i.e. inherently balanced even if not resonant. Most tuners offer an unbalanced output. SGC says, just connect up the antenna. Seems to me that a balun would improve things and keep RF off the coax and power leads to the tuner. But how well do baluns handle huge mismatch?

Just off the top of my head, it seems to me that the tuner at the top of a pole with two legs sloped down, i.e. inverted-V, would make a pretty good omni all-band antenna.

More thinking aloud.

Brian Lloyd
Granite Bay Montessori School          9330 Sierra College Bl
brian AT gbmontessori DOT com          Roseville, CA 95661
+1.916.367.2131 (voice)                +1.791.912.8170 (fax)

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