My 8 volt regulator also outputs exactly 7.56V. I replaced it with one I
bought here in Norway last week. It's also quite low at 7.62 volt. Specs
guarantee it to be over 7.5V if I remember correctly so I guess we can't
complain too much.

But if you have a hard time getting the ALC voltage up to 3.8 volt according
to the manual you can solder a 10K resistor across RP6 pins 3-4 on the
control board (Gary from Elecraft suggested this for me). This works great
and I now see 3.8V but it doesn't really make much of an audible difference.

Are - LB3SA

TF3KX wrote:
> In my case I never resolved if the MC1350 actually was bad.  I soldered
> the entire assembly out of the circuit, but managed to find an original
> "full size" chip at a local store, put it in and it simply worked.  So,
> the problem - whatever it really was - might have been the same as yours,
> and the SMD assembly might have worked if I had put it back into the rig
> the second time.
> At any rate, good that you are on track, and hope others may learn from
> this.  My K2 (#6425) is working perfectly, aside from the fact that my 8V
> is low (about 7,56V), and as a result the S-meter can not be calibrated
> properly.  I will ask Elecraft to send me a new regulator.

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