Bill W4ZV wrote:
> Arie Kleingeld PA3A wrote:
>> Lyle,
>> I can understand why the beat effect can happen at certain frequencies.
>> I read the message about the rounding errors.
>> My question is: can you give an indication of how often this happens. Of
>> course it depends on freq and filter offset but still, can you give an
>> idication how bad it is.
>> Anyone ?
> The beat is not the same as the difference in filter offsets.  Somewhere
> in the KRX3 documentation I believe it states the beat may only be as bad
> as a Hz or so.  
> 73,  Bill

Found the reference on page 42 of the KRX3 manual (1.6 MB):

Diversity receive performance may be enhanced by
using crystal filters with matched offsets
(CONFIG:FLx FRQ). This ensures that the VFOs
are at exactly the same frequency. Non-matched
filter offsets will result in a difference of about +/- 1
Hz between the two synthesizers, which may be
heard as a “beat note” under some conditions.

73,  Bill

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