Vic K2VCO wrote:
> Bill W4ZV wrote:
>> I always slow down to the speed of guys that call me but a very slow
>> caller
>> answering a speedy op in a big pileup is simply a QRM generator who
>> shouldn't be there.  
> That sounds a bit harsh, Bill!

Thank you, Vic. This elitist attitude that just because someone can send
code faster than someone else or has a bigger and more powerful station than
someone else gives them more right to use the airwaves than anyone else
makes my blood boil. This is a hobby and it is supposed to be fun. There is
no other way to enjoy a contest when you have only 100W to an attic antenna
farm. If only the serious big guns came on for a contest they'd all work
each other in the first 6 hours and then what would they do? Well I won't
waste my time giving W4ZV a point if I hear him on, that's for sure. Next I
suppose we'll be hearing that QRP stations shouldn't bother coming on for a
contest because they waste too much of people's time trying to copy them.
Perhaps I'll just put my K3 on eBay since I'm obviously unworthy of owning

Just for the record:

1. I was sending at a steady 24wpm right through the contest, and I only
sent anything once, unless the other station didn't copy the first time. So
I'm sure I didn't waste that much of anyone's time. In prevoius contests I
tried matching the keyer's speed to the other station's speed, but I found
that at 24wpm people copied my call first time nearly every time, whereas
I'd get more mistakes or ask for repeats when I sent it faster.

2. I was thinking of a couple of stations that were sending (presumably) CQ
over and over. Nobody was coming back to them. If they had slowed down so I
could get their call then I would have given them a point, and who knows how
many others might too?

3. These guys were sending so fast I could not work out their calls no
matter how long i listened. It sounded just like a burst of noise to me. If
they were working a string of people who could understand them then I could
see the sense in it but what is the point calling CQ that fast if you are
getting no replies? Yes I suppose I could ask them to QRS but why bother
when I can just go and find someone else?

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222. G4ILO's Shack Ham
Directory KComm for Elecraft K2 and K3 
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