Seems to me that both the previous stuff and the new stuff has its
merits.  I find that I use the new ones more than I did the old ones...

But it seems that with as many selections as we have (and many of them
seem very similar) why not have one or two of the numbers implement the
previous algorithms.  


On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 03:25 -0500, WA9VEE wrote:
> I have used the new NR release for a few days now, and see some plus and
> minus with the changes.. at least as I use the K3 for CW which is the main
> mode here.
> I usually listen at 50 or 100Hz, so the background noise is already much
> reduced compared to wider bandwidths. To find someone calling me off
> frequency I depend on CW Skimmer to show that to me, and then RIT tune them
> in.
> The new NR algorithms now act well in noise reduction. The noise is really
> reduced better. I also like that the SSB NR has lost the echoes and works
> better.
> What I miss is that old NR effect of emphasizing weak signals on CW by
> making them louder and sort of popping them up out of the noise. I used to
> depend on that to help in QRP contests. Time will tell if losing that for
> the sake of lower overall noise is a good tradeoff.  I also see little
> difference now between the F1 through F4 settings. They all sound pretty
> much the same to me. I think I would like to see more difference in effects.
> Wayne/WA9VEE

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