On 20 February 2015 at 15:30, Daniel Wilkerson
<daniel.wilker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ed, this is from the Ubuntu install instructions for a project where I
> am using elftoolchain.  Per our discussion, if you want people using
> Linux to use elftoolchain, you might want to reduce the number of
> workarounds in this list.

I hope that by publishing your list of workarounds you can save other
Linux users some effort in trying elftoolchain.

To be clear, I'd be happy if Linux users try out elftoolchain so that
it gets broader exposure and testing, but have no direct need for
that. I'd be happy to help shepherd in patches from Linux users to
address these issues.

> The latest public release of elftoolchain, elftoolchain-0.6.1, has a
> bug in that it does not process DWARF4 correctly; get it as follows:

Right now elftoolchain is still a reasonably fast-moving target, so
using a source snapshot is likely to be preferable for the near
future. I don't see this as a workaround, but rather a natural
consequence of elftoolchain's current stage of development.

>     $ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

Updated in the INSTALL document now.

> The build process will stop and tell you to do this if you do not do
> it initially:
>     Please download the distribution from:
> http://tetworks.opengroup.org/downloads/38/software/Sources/3.8/tet3.8-src.\
> tar.gz
>     and unpack it into directory "../../test/tet/tet3.8".
> The tet3.8-src.tar.gz file unpacks into a dir named tet3.8 and the
> message above means to put it into elftoolchain-0.6.1/test/tet/.

This could be automated, but doesn't seem like a big hurdle to me, and
a number of other projects handle third-party dependencies in a
similar way. I think some test suite rework might be planned and
perhaps this can be addressed then.

> There does not seem to be a configure step.  Note that when building
> on Linux, the instructions are wrong: just using pmake will not work,
> you must invoke it as follows:
>     $ NOGCCERROR=1 pmake

What errors do you see if you do not?

> You must install elftoolchain in order to build against it; it is not
> enough to just use +-I+ and +-L+ flags as the internal headers within
> elftoolchain will not find each other.

The tools provided with elftoolchain (nm, size, etc.) do build against
the just-built libelf and libdwarf, so it is certainly possible. What
command line did you try, and what error did you see?

> elftoolchain-0.6.1 has a bug where the install target does not install
> the header files into /usr/include, so I had to do it myself; I don't
> know if this is required for the version above, but doing it did not
> seem to hurt, so you might as well.

As far as I can see header install rules are just omitted for Linux
for some reason. I hope that the other elftoolchain developers can
provide some insight.

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