On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 9:41 PM, Steve Kargl
<s...@troutmask.apl.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 09:09:39PM -0800, Daniel Wilkerson wrote:
>> This is just a fact about the ownership of names.
> No one has ownership of the 8-letters libdwarf.

Do you have ownership of your name?  The name "libdwarf" is somehow
special in that no one owns it, whereas other names may be owned?

>> There is a reason the concept of trademark exists.
> libdwarf isn't a trademark.

I just spoke to my lawyer about it and there is no reason that it is
not a trademark; note that it does not have to be registered to be a
trademark.  All the core elements of a trademark seem to be there.  He
isn't quite sure how it would go in court -- in particular the
original author of libdwarf would have to assert it, not someone else
-- but you certainly cannot claim without qualification that it is not
a trademark.

Again, Mozilla changed Firebird to Firefox name because Firebird was
taken already, so generally not stomping on other people's project
names, even in the opens source world where we are not always trading
in money, is considered a practice that has value.

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