>> > Or, are you saying that all non-Dennis-Ritchie derived C compiler
>> > must call their runtime library something other than libc?
>> >
>> If you install it in the global namespace as "libdwarf" and it
>> therefore creates an anti-dependency on the original, then, yes, you
>> have stolen the name of the previous project.  If instead you
>> installed it under some elftoolchain/libdwarf, or maybe
>> elftoolchain-libdwarf, that might be different.
> So, do you have a libc and is that Dennis Ritchie's libc?
> There's no stealing.  If this upset you so greatly, then
> use the original libdwarf.

I am attempting to have a professional conversation about engineering,
not a conversation about who is more upset.

This is just a fact about the ownership of names.  There is a reason
the concept of trademark exists.  You are not allowed to start another
business having the same name in the same market as another business
as you have taken a name that they did work to establish and created
confusion in the marketplace.  That's the reason Mozilla changed
Firebird to Firefox, to cite one prominent example.

"The essential function of a trademark is to exclusively identify the
commercial source or origin of products or services, so a trademark,
properly called, indicates source or serves as a badge of origin. In
other words, trademarks serve to identify a particular business as the
source of goods or services."

It is also a conversation about not creating anti-dependencies in the
global namespace.  The fact that there are multiple implementations of
libc is not a problem.  The fact that they all install themselves
under the same name is a very real problem when attempting to
piecewise upgrade a system; I have had to not upgrade software just
for this reason.  Namespace anti-dependencies are a gratuitous
difficulty that have no fundamental reason to exist.  There are enough
fundamental engineering problems without us adding gratuitous
engineering problems.

So for example, installing under a name like elftoolchain-libdwarf is
more helpful than just libdwarf as it establishes whose libdwarf it
is.  If you then want to make a softlink from libdwarf to
elftoochain-libdwarf on your system then that is easy to do, and could
be a question asked as part of the install process.  This is the
solution we use for web browsers: they each have their own name and
then you are asked which one you would like to be the default.


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