Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes:

> You have to write java to use it, which is a big negative (at least for
> me).  Last time I think we concluded that the CLI interface it exposes
> is not adequate (though I actually started off trying to use it).

I see.  That's probably the reason.

> There’s also the issue that it is just a bundling of citeproc-js with
> some java libraries (js interpreter, bibtex processor, ...), so someone
> who tries to extend it actually has to know both java and js.

Another drawback.

Pure JS (or perhaps Haskell?) is probably more accessible then.  FWIW,
there's a couple of libraries that promise to read bibtex on npm, though I
haven’t tried any of those. 


>> Do we WANT to depend on Pandoc?  I would say "no".  In my OS, where we
>> finally got a binary distribution of pandoc, the size of pandoc is still
>> 1600Mb!  I don’t know if this is representative of other systems, though.
>> E.g. what is the size of pandoc+deps in Debian?
> It’s unfortunate, but pandoc has the most easily adaptable CSL
> implementation for our use case, as far as I can see.  The other
> contender is Zotero (in JS, possibly with XUL-specific bits).  It would
> be good if somebody looked at what it would take for us to use Zotero’s
> implementation, just as Richard did for Pandoc.

Indeed.  I guess this is what they use:


It also looks rather complex...



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