Mark Edgington <> writes:

> In using org-mode, there is one problem that has always irked me (and
> is apparently also closely related to the FAQ "How do I ignore a
> headline?").  When I am writing something, I sometimes want to group
> things by concept or by work to be done, or any other number of
> groupings.  BUT I do not want these groupings to be part of the
> exported document itself.  In fact, I would like it to be as if the
> grouping did not exist at all (i.e. a headline that is ignored).
> The problem with using an ignored headline for grouping things is that
> it still does have an effect on exported document structure, in that
> all of the elements contained "inside / in the scope of" the ignored
> headline still keep their depth (one level deeper than the level of
> the ignored headline).
> What I want is for the nested items to have their levels all promoted
> by one, so that it's truly as if the ignored headline wasn't there at
> all, and that it invisibly wrapped around a group of items without
> requiring them to have a deeper level.  Perhaps this could be done by
> use of an "ignoreheading" and an "ignoreheadingpromote" tag (one
> promotes the level of contained items, another doesn't), or some
> equivalent set of properties that could be set on a headline.
> Would there be any chance that something like this could be built in
> to org-mode?  I think it would make it far more flexible in terms of
> organizing things, making this organization process orthogonal to the
> selection of sections/subsections of a document.

In a tree structure, when ignoring the parent node, it seems only
logical that the siblings are ignored too. 

You seem to use the wrong tool for the task (headlines), this looks like
a perfect use case for TAGS, i.e. define your (concept) groups as
tags. If these tags are not part of `org-export-exclude-tags' they won't
affect exporting, but you can still use them to build your agenda or a
sparse tree or so.


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