Mark Edgington <> writes:

> In using org-mode, there is one problem that has always irked me (and
> is apparently also closely related to the FAQ "How do I ignore a
> headline?").  When I am writing something, I sometimes want to group
> things by concept or by work to be done, or any other number of
> groupings.  BUT I do not want these groupings to be part of the
> exported document itself.  In fact, I would like it to be as if the
> grouping did not exist at all (i.e. a headline that is ignored).
> The problem with using an ignored headline for grouping things is that
> it still does have an effect on exported document structure, in that
> all of the elements contained "inside / in the scope of" the ignored
> headline still keep their depth (one level deeper than the level of
> the ignored headline).
> What I want is for the nested items to have their levels all promoted
> by one, so that it's truly as if the ignored headline wasn't there at
> all, and that it invisibly wrapped around a group of items without
> requiring them to have a deeper level.  Perhaps this could be done by
> use of an "ignoreheading" and an "ignoreheadingpromote" tag (one
> promotes the level of contained items, another doesn't), or some
> equivalent set of properties that could be set on a headline.
> Would there be any chance that something like this could be built in
> to org-mode?  I think it would make it far more flexible in terms of
> organizing things, making this organization process orthogonal to the
> selection of sections/subsections of a document.

I just ran across this need myself, and updated an old solution to work
with the new exporter.  See the thread and my solution at the following.

Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D (see

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