On Feb 3 2013 4:57 AM, andy pugh wrote:
> On 3 February 2013 13:39, EBo <e...@sandien.com> wrote:
>> What I am trying to figure out is how to configure EMC so that the
>> electronics can return a "pause" signal until it has burned burned
>> through the requested material,
> Adaptive feed _might_ work, but there is no way in the current code 
> to
> run the path backwards.
> EDM machines that I have seen running seem to have to reverse quite
> frequently, so this might be a very difficult thing to get working.
> I don't know if the trajectory planner keeps the move history, if it
> does then it might be possible to allow negative adaptive feed.

I was working on a very detailed reply before the circuit breaker 

Short answer is that decades ago I was shown a EDM head that could self 
retract a small distance (enough that you could feed in a couple of mm 
and the head would self retract via an analog current closed-loop 
feedback system).  I was planning to build and modify that design a 
little to give me a "pause" signal and integrate that back into motion 

Anyway, I want to make some *very* small parts (the tooling is likely 
to be smaller that 0.01" diameter), and I can afford to make and break a 
bunch of these before I could afford to go out and buy a commercial EDM 
with capable specs.

   EBo --

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