On Sun, Feb 3, 2013, at 06:57 AM, andy pugh wrote:
> On 3 February 2013 13:39, EBo <e...@sandien.com> wrote:
> > What I am trying to figure out is how to configure EMC so that the
> > electronics can return a "pause" signal until it has burned burned
> > through the requested material,
> Adaptive feed _might_ work, but there is no way in the current code to
> run the path backwards.
> EDM machines that I have seen running seem to have to reverse quite
> frequently, so this might be a very difficult thing to get working.

Adaptive feed was added to LinuxCNC specifically with the EDM
application in mind.  The idea is that some combination of external
circuits and HAL blocks would generate a value between 0 and 1 
which would control the rate at which LinuxCNC traverses the 
programmed path.

> I don't know if the trajectory planner keeps the move history, if it
> does then it might be possible to allow negative adaptive feed.

Unfortunately negative feed would require major rework - there is no
history of the path that has been executed.  (That has also been
discussed at length in the context of EDM.)

  John Kasunich

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