On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 05:18:28PM +0100, andy pugh wrote:
> > To maintain this separately, it'd be great if you want to make a new
> > branch off v2.5_branch with this change.  Buildbot will even build
> > and package it for you (seb pointed me to "Sorting of..." on
> > http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/dev.html when I asked about this)
> The advantage of this would be that it is a less-experimental branch
> than master, and so probably OK for Jon to use on a customer machine?

Yeah that's my thought.  Your new branch would also be suitable for
merging into master, and maybe could be the right place for us to
later work on joint slaving...?  If you want to name it with that in
mind, that'd be cool with me.

> I understand that gentrivkins and ja3 works acceptably, but I have no
> idea if this also includes index-homing. It seems to me that it can
> only really work if the two indexes are set up in the right place.
> (or, I suppose, if the encoder components grew a fixed-offset pin)

I think it just uses the "start homing both joints simultaneously"
scheme, which often will work.  A true slaved homing scheme would be
better though: at each homing state you'd improve the situation,
instead of possibly making it worse.  

Imagine a situation where one side is barely sitting on its switch
and the other barely isn't.  With the start-both-simultaneously
scheme, one would start by backing off, and the other would start by
moving forward into the switch (that side has skipped the backoff
states).  I think there is even a timedelay state after the backoff
that only one side would obey.  Those two joints will be quite out
of sync for the entire homing, often moving in opposite directions,
and it sure might cost you some spaghetti.  If you are set up to
have a rapid to final position, you'll probably rapid one side while
the other side is still searching for switch or index.  I think
starting simultaneously and hoping for the best is actually a pretty
poor solution although it often appears to work fine.

With a slaved scheme, all joints would backoff if necessary (notice
this improves the alignment already) and then when they're all done
with backoff, they'd all jump to the next state and delay together,
and then start moving forward searching for the home switches

Notice I said all - I don't see why we should assume only one slave.

I agree with you that you need your indexes aligned.  Rotating the
encoders would be the way you'd perfectly square up your gantry.
That'd be much more precise than trying to move the switches.

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