andy pugh wrote:
> 4) One motor (could be either) sees the index, and the axis position
> is set to HOME_OFFSET. It then rapids to HOME_POSITION
> During 4) the rapid is a serious concern.
Right, this is the big problem.  So, HOME_OFFSET must be zero for both
sides, and you can't use HOME_IGNORE_LIMITS.  You want both
index pulses to appear when the gantry is square.  When the first side
gives the index, it just stops there.  The lagging side continues for a 
and then it, too gives the index pulse and stops.  The gantry is now 
and both sides should track the single commanded axis position.

Now, assuming we are NOT using gantrykins but just trivkins, what
hackery do we need to come up with for a servo system?  We can just call
one side the master, and have a home switch only on that side.  The home
switch should serve fine for both sides.  Do we need to mock-up the
homing functions for the "slave" side of the axis?  Can we keep that
axis relatively synched to the master side during the home approach?

This may also be a moot problem, as we may make some progress
on this at the fest.


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