On Saturday 11 August 2018 04:49:02 steve A wrote:

> Hello, every one,
>   I want to run LinuxCNC without GUIs on a small board, like Raspberry
> Pi 3B or BeagleBone Black, with a GUI on another device via network.
> So, I don't need many required packages determined by
> "dpkg-checkbuilddeps" which occupied large storage space. Is there a
> tutorial to do that?
So use a bigger sd card on the pi 3b. Size of the installed system is 
then not a problem. With a 32 or 64G card, wearout is years down the 

WRT the remote gui, the lags in the video are horrible, about 1 frame a 
second. The pi can manage about 7 or 8 frames a second on its own and 
I've gotten quite used to it. And according to the monitoring tools, the 
pi is loafing while doing it. The internalusb-2 pinhole for data is the 
lag problem. Fortunately, the spi interface is direct, so the spi to the 
controller card can be written at 42  megabaud, and read at 25. rpspi.ko 
handles all that flawlessly here. I'm running a 70 yo Sheldon 11x36 with 
it. Quite well in fact.
> By the way, I want to use Preempt-RT. Can anyone give me some advises?

Subscribe to the linux-rt list at kernel.org and wait for the next 
announcement of a working version, download the src's, edit the config 
to get rid of the stuff you don't need and make pkg-target, where target 
is an installable deb or whatever.  Its beta so expect breakage.

Or, if you have a heck of a big mailbox, I can send you a dd installable 
image from my card as of about 6 weeks ago. Or  maybe I could put it on 
my web page where you could grab it. All that would take is a softlink 
to where its at now in /usr/src. But its not compressed, 30,255 
megabytes. Tested by writing it to a 64G card, works fine. But it will 
take a while to download as my upload speed is only about 2 megs/second. 
Cable modem for poor folks. No clue if xz could handle that w/o damage. 
You will get gui stuff that I've done which may or may not be to your 
taste, and which will need a couple encoder dials on the apron and some 
mode pushbuttons too.  Rather than preserve the cranks, I've made jog 
wheels out of the encoders, so I can drive it by hand too at 1,2,5 
selectable speeds. Encoders are from mpja.com, $20/copy. If they aren't 
there, you can also use the keyboard. Even with my image, it will be a 
slog to do because I didn't start with a usable machine, so much of the 
conversion is my own design.

> Thanks! Have a good day!
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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