
> Is B-axis homing configured in the INI?

I could narrow it a bit. I is nothing in the ini-file and not related to the 
axis or joint settings.

Seems as if it is a timing problem.

Starting axis alone (without my app) than every axis will get homed.
As soon as I start my app, the homing sequence will fail.
May be that the B-axis from 9axis inifile is the last joint to home.

My default ini-file is a gantry setup and with that file, A and Y axis will not 
get homed. So I thought about a timing issue and increased the cycle-time of 
my status reader thread. I run it before with 100ms and increased it to 
1000ms, but the failure is the same.
Could there be any relation between reading status message and failure of 
homing sequence?

My app shows all axis as homed, wich means, that the joint was flagged as 
homed. Don't know, how that can get unhomed.

Don't know what to do.


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