On Montag, 11. Mai 2020, 12:12:48 CEST andy pugh wrote:
> On Mon, 11 May 2020 at 09:49, Reinhard <reinha...@schwarzrot-design.de> 
> > May be that the B-axis from 9axis inifile is the last joint to home.
> That isn't something that you need to guess. What does the INI file say?

Well, if I understand it right, the B-Axis is inside of group 1 together with 
x,y,z ...
>From that I don't see any reason, why the b-axis is the last in homing 

The only difference of the b-axis is, that it is an index locker. May be that's 
the reason for being late.

I continued the research and found out, that all joints are homed, but not 
recognized as homed by axis (at that time). So nml-status states all joints as 
homed, but backend is inoperable until a taskmode-change.
Error from backend is misleading, as the backend complains unhomed axis, which 
not is true.

I found that out occasionally, when I wanted to try to jog an axis.
When I switch to jogging-pane of my app (which implied a taskmode-change to 
manual), some axis moved (dros fidget crazily) and then axis showed all axis as 

With that in mind, I digged deeper into axis, and found out, that axis does a 
taskmode-change after homing. So I changed my app to do the same, and now it 
works. Together with axis, as well as standalone.

Don't know, whether the current behaviour of backend is intentionally the way 
it is.

Cheers Reinhard

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