
I'm a small manufacturer located in Belgium and can't afford expensive
 EMC pre-compliance and compliance measuring equipment.

Can you?
 Yes probably if you work is at a large or medium large manufacturer.

Can you understand with what kind of bottleneck small manufacturers are
 facing in front of the EMC rules?
 Rules conceived by very intelligent and bright people bringing together
 all existing rules, adding as much of possible constrains, etc..
By making rules, they don't have to justify themselves as their business,
 most of the time, is inside institutions or organizations who have
 the sovereignty to propose (impose) rules to the governments without
 having to justify themselves.
They are not controlled by moderated authorities and even worse usually
 address themselves to equipment manufacturers who all have interest
 to promote expensive equipment.
Also University's are consulted, they are great but most of the time
 have no practical experience with small companies and are not facing
 this kind of production reality, so they add rules also.
But anyhow, the rule making people have to protect their job and autority 
 in no way are concerned with the sometimes unjustified rules they
 impose and problems they cause.

Did you notice, rules of other country's are not as good as theirs.
 Are the other country's populated with stupid people or is the objective
 of this people just to keep themselves busy and protect their job?

Do you know, for instance, that in Belgium our local FCC (IBPT/BIPT)
 people imposes a telecom licenses for test equipment's?
 Yes sire, its brand new.
 Reason: a spectrum analyzer (or receiver) can listen to the police and
 other communications outside the normal broadcast range.
 Listen to those frequencies is strictly prohibited in Belgium.
 An other way to impose rules and to protect their monopolistic job.

Now, you may think that by making a European community organizations
 you will reduce country dependent organizations having the same
 purpose of existence.
 Wrong add it all together, increase the number of people because
 rules start to be more stringent and pay for that a little more tax.
 That's the improved rule.
 Its that easy.

Realize, we in Europe are so much better than you located on the other
 side of the big pool.
 Please, please, please admit, if its not evident to you, that we are
 so much better and can not use your rules.

I quit on the subject, disgusted.
 I agree there is a need for rules, but rules are made to protect people
 not to protect rules and the people conceiving them.

Your comments are welcome or are you all on the "other" border?

For information: Belgium is a small country of +/-10 million people located
 between the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France. We don't have our
 own language and speak French, Flemish (Dutch) and German.
So consider this when reading my "pure" English prose....

Best regards
Paul Rampelbergh
Wezembeek-Oppem (Belgium)

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