I think a few sites exist having serrations like that. Typically shaped
with a cosine taper or triangular, with a spatial distribution which is
optimized to minimize edge reflections. Interesting concept that has been
used in a wide variety of applications to eliminate edge reflections caused
by an abrupt transition from reflecting surface to free space, like compact
ranges and reflector dish antennas. This concept will work particularly
well on a roof-top OATS where there is no surrounding dirt to transition
the ground plane in to. 

The reduction in edge reflections will be better for a smaller OATS since
these edge reflections become more noticable with smaller ground plane
size. Hence the performance improvement for a smaller OATS will be
considerably better.

There are several papers on this type of edge termination used in compact
ranges, reflector antennas, radar targets etc, for reducing edge
reflections and side lobe levels. Check AMTA proceedings or IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. I don't recall a specific paper
on using serrations on an OATS ground plane though. Anybody else?

EMC facility design consultant

Robert Bonsen
Principal Consultant
Orion Scientific
email: rbon...@orionscientific.com
URL:   http://www.orionscientific.com
phone: (512) 347 7393; FAX: (512) 328 9240

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