It was 20 years ago, and now I live in a house without central heating and
cable TV , so I can not reproduct that effect.

But I remember for sure that the distortion similar to that which you get
from spark plugs of internal combustion engines, about half a TV scan line
long and repeating itself  about every 3 to 5 scan lines.


To:   Rene Charton/TUV-Twn
Subject:  Re: explanation of ESD events with coins in baggie.

Rene, That is an interesting phenomenon! If you could give me a more
detailed description of the TV "distortion" and "black lines" I might be
able to explain at least what was happening inside the TV set (I worked
many years in TV R & D). This in turn might help others to explain what ESD
or EMI effect it was!
For example: Are you referring to picture geometric distortion, color
distortion (or was it B/W?), interference "flashes", loss of vertical or
horizontal synchronization etc!
Also were the "black lines" random, diagonal or what spacing etc?
Also "many years ago" TV's in different countries might react differently,
so where were you and about what year did you see this?

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