I read in !emc-pstc that CE-TEST <cet...@cetest.nl> wrote (in
<nfbbilofgmjcamhepkbaaeglceaa.cet...@cetest.nl>) about 'EMI guard
bands', on Thu, 20 Dec 2001:
>It's just for a few months now that CISPR/IEC are considering
>to implement measurement faults into the required margin.

No, the subject has been under study for several years.

>Several reports have been circulated for voting.
>As far as my knowledge reaches, a margin for measurement errors
>in your equipment is officially not required, however silly that

The subject is extremely complex; so complex, in fact that for practical
purposes it may actually be uncomputable, but this concept is
unacceptable to accreditation agencies so we have to continue to try to
make it computable.

Some errors are quite easily (if expensively) controlled, and equipment
errors fall into this category - you just calibrate against national
standard very frequently! Other errors are not controllable, such as the
dependence of emissions in a given direction on the exact positioning of
cables, and must be classified as 'uncertainty', which can be
*estimated* but not *calculated*. If you could calculate it, it would
not be uncertainty!

There are ways of reducing uncertainty - such as repeated testing one
sample and testing many samples, but these are very costly procedures.
It is extremely difficult to reconcile the approach to this subject
which is fundamental to metrologists and accreditation agencies with the
practicality that demands justification for 'high accuracy at any cost'. 

Bear in mind that emission limits are justified pragmatically by the
maintenance at acceptable levels of complaints of interference, not by
appeal to some laws of physics. The levels adopted generally at present
seem adequate for at least 10^6-1 out of 10^6 sites (Remember that even
in a small country there are probably 10^8 'sites'). So an uncompensated
measurement error that changes this figure to 10^6 - 1.001 does not seem
worth spending USD10 000 to track down.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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