I guess this is another case of Euro-politics. 

As an Apple user, I'm biased. Or, more correctly, I buy better quality 
hardware. I sincerely hope that for stupid reasons such as this, the EU doesn't 
sway Apple from it's current lightning connector. It is superior in every way 
to the USB connector.

How about eliminating sales taxes on one or two power supply styles, lets see 
how the market reacts. I'm dammed if I want governments making choices for me!

More like 25 cents worth.

Derek Walton

-----Original Message-----
From: ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen <g.grem...@cetest.nl>
Sent: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 1:54 am
Subject: Re: [PSES] common charger for radio equipment

Note this EC-text addresses mobile phones and thelike, and not their 

As the text is to be included in the RTTE directive and the "whereas" part 
"In particular, mobile phones that are made available on the market should be 
compatible with a common charger", 
" in particular for the benefit of consumers" 

one may conclude that it's mobile phones that are targeted only.
The new RTTE directive addresses wireless radio only (terminal equipment will 
left out) so
it's difficult to find consumer products that are radio, need chargers, and are 
not mobile phone....

I am curious on how the directive will address DECT equipment, as they are 
equipped with desktop chargers,
that allow easy placement (and pick up).

More specifically, this text is directed to Apple computers, as they refused to 
the code of conduct that introduced the micro-USB charger connector earlier 
Note that the directive does not oblige Apple to abandon their proprietary 
charge connector, but requires
their phones to be compatible only. I expect apple to provide a simple adapter 
to make it compatible.

Although the type of connector is not defined in this document, I expect the 
micro-usb to be the connector of choice , as this was the type recommended in 
the code of conduct.

I welcome the standardization effort, but I think it has not been well 
because the text will be largely ineffective as long as the delivered charger 
devices are not included
allowing Apple to deliver the current charger type and for the EC provide a 
cumbersome external adapter (micro-USB to Apple proprietary) that will be 
quickly abandoned by its users, leading to a waste pile of adapters.

I suggest Brian, that any complaints regarding this, are to addressed directly 
to the King of the EC
in Brussels


Ing.  Gert Gremmen, BSc


Kiotoweg 363
3047 BG Rotterdam
T 31(0)104152426
F 31(0)104154953

 Before printing, think about the environment. 

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Brian Oconnell [mailto:oconne...@tamuracorp.com] 
Verzonden: Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:31 PM
Onderwerp: [PSES] common charger for radio equipment

So the EU releases something for the Radio Equipment Directive:

Which say this:
"A renewed effort to develop a common charger for particular categories or 
classes of radio equipment is necessary, in particular for the benefit of 
consumers and other end-users; this Directive should therefore include specific 
requirements in that area. In particular, mobile phones that are made available 
on the market should be compatible with a common charger"

Had not given much thought to this until a scope statement or definition for 
particular class of equipment affected was nowhere to be found. Can someone 
point me to this info? Will the EU scope the 'common' charger for all hand-held 
radio equipment, or just mobile phones? Or perhaps the King of Brussels 
to say "chargers for the commoners"?


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