Russia and its 'close friends' have recently been active in IEC, including inviting the big General Meeting to Vladivostok (!) last year.  But consistency is not a marked trait in those countries.

John Woodgate OOO-Own Opinions Only
J M Woodgate and Associates
Rayleigh, Essex UK

On 2017-12-04 22:40, Pete Perkins wrote:

John, et al,

Well, it wasn’t too long ago that we were trying to understand the BRIC countries from a regulatory point of view.

Brazil seems to have learned how to work the international system and is growing economically, especially in the medical area.

China is quickly integrating into the international system growing an infrastructure to support it.

India is working to get integrated into the international system.

Russia has not figured out how to integrate with the international system (and seems to be backtracking from international business).

Perhaps it’s time to more fully review wot’s going on in the world for our regulatory community and help folks get updated on such matters – in addition to the OJT stuff we do here piecemeal.

:>) br,      Pete

Peter E Perkins, PE

Principal Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs Consultant

PO Box 23427

Tigard, ORe  97281-3427

503/452-1201 <>

*From:*John Allen []
*Sent:* Monday, December 4, 2017 1:37 PM
*To:* 'Pete Perkins' <>; EMC-PSTC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG
*Subject:* RE: [PSES] EAC Mark in Russia


Ref you 2^nd para, that was my preferred approach/advice re a CBA on certification costs, having, for decades and with quite a few companies, experienced at first hand the costs of a company *not *doing its homework first. Nevertheless, many marketing depts. (and some senior tech staff!) still ignored the reality of what they were letting themselves in for L.

John E Allen

W. London, UK

*From:*Pete Perkins []
*Sent:* 04 December 2017 18:42
*Subject:* Re: [PSES] EAC Mark in Russia

Brian, John et al,

So this points out that there are consequences for actions – even on the World level.

I have learned from this exchange that I will advise manufacturers to only consider ‘expensive’ certifications if they can expect enough profit from their sales to cover the additional cost.  (Gee, seems like that would have been the basis for consideration of such expense in any case).

Anyway, a very interesting thread.

:>) br,      Pete

Peter E Perkins, PE

Principal Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs Consultant

PO Box 23427

Tigard, ORe  97281-3427

503/452-1201 <>

*From:*John Allen []
*Sent:* Monday, December 4, 2017 6:57 AM
*Subject:* Re: [PSES] EAC Mark in Russia


If you (or anyone else) want to get some of the “Big Picture” in Russia (or many other countries as well), then go to this website and “explore”.

Also very worthwhile signing up for the CMS LawNow newsletters which they send out about the legislation and changes in many areas of the World – you can choose the countries and subject areas in which you interested.

You don’t have to pay anything to get the newsletters, but, of course, they would like you to contact them to follow-up on particular articles on some sort of paid consultancy basis.

John E Allen

W. London, UK

*From:*Kunde, Brian []
*Sent:* 04 December 2017 14:26
*Subject:* Re: [PSES] EAC Mark in Russia

Thanks to all who have posted on this subject. It has been most helpful.  We are starting to get the “Big Picture”.

We have looked over the “TRs” and our type of products are not listed as requiring mandatory testing, so for years our products has breezed right in. But recently, Russia want DoCs from a Russia lab on everything.

They just performed EMC testing on a motor driven “prep machine for laboratory equipment” which has no high frequency components at all (which normally wouldn’t require any EMC testing).  It cost more to get the DoC testing done then what the entire product sold for.

If we cannot work with Russia and find a more reasonable way of doing business we might be forced to stop doing business with them all together. I hope it don’t come to that but that is the situation we are in.  But then again, maybe that is what they want.

Thanks again for your comments.

The Other Brian

*From:*Cortland Richmond []
*Sent:* Monday, December 04, 2017 5:08 AM
*Subject:* Re: [PSES] EAC Mark in Russia

If so, it would not be the first time governments have used existing regulations to erect trade barriers.

Cortland Richmond

2017 5:45 PM, John Allen wrote:

Probably due to Putin’s desire to promote (by any means – including regulation!) for *everything* to be done in Russia, not elsewhere!

John E Allen

W. London, UK

*From:*Carl Newton []
*Sent:* 03 December 2017 22:20
*Subject:* Re: [PSES] EAC Mark in Russia


I occasionally do work for a very large ITE product company with a worldwide presence and so I've been involved in international certs for a few of their products.  This year we learned that Russia started to reject all EAC certs not issued by a Russian national lab.  The other CU nation's certs were being rejected.  I believe that Belarus has been working on legal action against Russia with the position that Russia is violating agreements.  But I had to obtain a 2nd EAC cert from a Russian lab so that this company could resume their exports to Russia.  The big-name labs with global market access groups that I spoke with are aware of this.  This was the status as of mid-summer.

Best regards,


On 11/29/2017 2:25 PM, Kunde, Brian wrote:


    I would love to hear your story about dealing with the EAC mark
    and shipping products to Russia. Though most all countries have
    laws, acts, or directives on the books, most are not enforced
    across the board, yet focuses primarily on mass produced consumer
    electronics, computers, etc.. Individual or custom built
    equipment, such as scientific/laboratory equipment generally gets
    in such countries without much trouble.

    However, our department has been asked to looking into the current
    status of the EAC marking and what it takes to get single built
    instruments into Russia.  Any information on this would be helpful.

    We have talked to a couple 3^rd party labs and of course they want
    the entire gambit including full certification testing for Safety,
    EMC, and RoHS by an accredited lab and a full certification
    program with factory inspections, the works, blah blah blah.  This
    approach is totally out of the question for the few products that
    we sell into this market.  Let’s be reasonable here.

    So far we haven’t had any issues (unless we include a PC in the
    shipment) but if things are changing we would like to stay on top
    of things.

    I would love to hear from you.  Thanks for all comments and stories.

    The Other Brian


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