On Tuesday 12 February 2008, Brian Pitt wrote:
>On Monday 11 February 2008 15:14, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Monday 11 February 2008, Ian W. Wright wrote:
>> >For those who were fascinated by the polygon turning have a look at this
>> >- http://tinyurl.com/2wqbvl , it achieves the same ends but without any
>> >extra power or synchronisation of spindle and cutter! The video even
>> >gives a good indication of how you can make your own!!!
>> >Usual disclaimer - no connection with company etc. etc.
>> Now that's cute Ian.  But the forces would seem to preclude my trying it
>> on my little toy lathe.
>with the angular offset and shearing action of the cutter they take allot
> less push than you'd think 

But its a full splines depth of cut in one pass, just with the force 
concentrated on one tooth at a time.  You could still be pushing thru an 1/8" 
or more of steel per spline depending on how deep they were.
> but you have no controll of the orientation

That could be a problem where one would need timing accuracy.  That would be 
curable with cnc synch between spindles, but there isn't any in that setup.

> and  
> you cant work behind a shoulder or swallow more than an inch or so of the
> part
>then again the polygon head wont do splines ,keyseats or internal work
>a few years ago someone made a CNC mill that would drill square holes like
> this http://upper.us.edu/faculty/smith/reuleaux.htm
>by syncing the table motion to the spindle position

Neat, but would need way faster tables than I have.

>I'm sure someone somewhere has a use for that feature but I think they did
> it mainly to show off how fast the machine was ;)

There is more than a little bit of the "watch this, see what I can do" 
available on the net these days, unforch a lot of it shot by folks with 
little knowledge of how to shoot such a project, so it isn't well done as far 
as seeing how it was done, most all of that is lost in the blur of the 

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Cheers, Gene
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