Stuart, i'm sorry, there is a mistake, somewhere on my pastebin posts... 
sorry, but will check that before give you an answer.

El 22/12/2008 02:33 a.m., Stuart Stevenson escribió:
> Richard,
>    You do NOT understand! The messages you type do not agree with the
> posts you send. You must make sure the information you send is good
> information. It is YOUR responsibility to answer correct. You MUST
> make sure the information you send is the information that answers the
> question asked.
>    If the information you sent was the information that answered the
> question then the question would not have been repeated.
>    Did you look at the three posts Seb listed? Do the posts answer the
> questions you were asked?
>    Yelling at people with "IT DOES NOT WORK..." does not send any
> information that is helpful.
> Stuart
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Richard Acosta <> wrote:
>> El 21/12/2008 11:47 p.m., Kenneth Lerman escribió:
>>> Have it your way. Don't post it again. If you don't care enough to find
>>> the posting and post it again, why should anyone else care enough to go
>>> searching for your previous posting?
>> Where would i find my postings if i don't receive my own messages even
>> if i configured my account to send me a copy of my own messages?...
>> I can follow the line of the discusion upwards and read every message
>> until the first one, but my own are not here, so... if you ask me to
>> find something you posted, or the files Ted Hyde has posted, i can go
>> back and find it... but THE LIST DOES NOT SEND MY OWN MESSAGES TO ME!!!
>> Please watch de image, so you can see i'm not receiving my own messages
>> and find that YOU could track my messages better than me as i can maybe
>> track your messages better than you, ordered by subject as i'm doing it.
>>>> I guess there must be some people trying to help, ok, and i'm very
>>>> grateful to all of you, but, when i read some stuff it seems like a bad
>>>> taste joke.
>>> Gee, I was wondering what a grateful person sounded like. Now I know.
>> Did you read about what i said about the answers when i was using 2.2.6
>> and Ted's files?...
>> "hey, look at the idiot, he's using 2.2.6" yes, i htink mus have been
>> someone like you who posted that.
>>>> -I bought a board announced as supported on EMC2
>>>> then, they say the board is NOT fully supported, that the driver is
>>>> being developed...
>>>> ok,  bad sales tactic, we call that a scam, you cannot tell something is
>>>> supported, then after sold clarify it is not FULLY supported, wich
>>>> actually means is barely supported as i could get from the answers i had.
>>> Send Peter your board in good condition and I'm sure he will refund your
>>> your money. If he won't, send the board to me, and I will. :-)
>> I have no doubt about peter.
>>> In the kingdom of reality, people don't complain when others offer to
>>> help them for free.
>> Well... in the kingdom of reality when someone offers help for free,
>> help reaches his destiny even for free, it it doesn't reaches, then it
>> is not called help but waste of time.
>>> <<<snip>>>
>>>> Sorry guys, but i'm really really tired of all this.
>>> You are not the only one who is tired of all this.
>> It does not seems so.
>>> As far as I can recall, I never seen someone say the same thing over and
>>> over rather than politely responding with requests for additional
>>> information.
>> .. over and over i try to you all understand i'm stuck in the exact same
>> place even if you try to convince me that the error on my screen has
>> changed or i changed somehitng from config files that i didn't even
>> watch inside.
>>> <<<snip>>>

>>> People really are trying to help. Please spend less time complaining and
>>> more time responding to the direct requests of those who are trying to help.
>>> Ken
>> And again anda again, i answered directly to the questions every time,
>> and every time if something goes diferent i post the new message, but
>> "is the same that last time" if it goes the same.
>> At the moment, if i try with the files Ted sent to me directly, i still
>> have the same errors wich were posted 3 times along with the config files.
>> And when using the sample config that comes with 2.2.8 i have the error
>> about extrange caracter "x" that i have told in a recent message.
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