On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 22:56:43 -0500, you wrote:

>   I have previously requested the rotary axis usage as follows:
>1: the rotary position stays within 0 and 359.999
>    you never see 360 (or more) in the program nor on the position screen

Many schools of thought and none are "wrong" and all should be catered

The "no such number as 360" is a poor implementation IMO.

I often do jewel and the like for the better half, I deep engrave
wrapped designs all the way around the axis, sometimes spiraled, having
to stop at 359.99 doesn't work, been there done that, threw the tee
shirt away, it leaves gaps in the design. 

Keeping going in one direction has the added benefit of countering

Rollover is the best solution for me, it behaves just like a linear
axis. 720 deg is two turns etc. Optional return to 0 the quick way is
often used too.

Mach, sensibly, has every possibility for rotary axis, as we beat it to
death years ago and decided there was no "right way". 

ALL variations should be catered for. Just making it suitable for one
person's preference is short sighted.

Steve Blackmore

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