On Sunday 23 May 2010, Michael Jones wrote:
>Ok.. so here's the weird thing...
>I completely purged the NVIDIA proprietary drivers from the system,
>and now OpenGL loads with the NV driver?  Some weird incompatibility
>going on I suppose.  But now I noticed that I don't have any sound..
>can't win for loosing... I guess I don't really NEED sound on this
>machine but it bothers me that it's not there.

Now that you mention it, I have never even had speakers on that box.  
Couldn't see any great need for it when the machine and its cooling fans are 
enough to make you forget your wifes name.  I have serious fans on my xylotex 
4 axis rig, 2 old psu fans, but they are running on about 19 volts, so they 
_scream_ right along at probably 8k rpms, maybe more.

>With the NV Driver I'm able to get smooth motion from 0 to around
>50ipm (screws and bearingless screws) on my little rebuilt D&M4s, but
>I'm wondering if things might be even a little cleaner with the vesa
>driver - I'll have to check that one out.

Thats not too bad from where I sit, how pure are the tones from the motors 
when running at a steady speed?   If it sounds raspy, thats generally not 

>This little machine needs some more work and upgrades (better backlash
>control.. needs to be refit with some bearings on the interface
>between the Screw and the axes) before it works the way I want it to,

I did that too, using small radial thrust bearings a bit preloaded.  That 
helped a bunch.  Now if it just had some decent nuts. :(

>but for now it does pretty well.  I'm also thinking of a 4th axis..
>but before that happens.. I have to get it working again.
>Thanks for the suggestions.

Glad I could help, Michael.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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