On 4 September 2010 13:01, Viesturs Lācis <viesturs.la...@gmail.com> wrote:

> EMC2 is switching from world mode to joint mode, if I go from "manual
> control" tab to "MDI" tab. I have EMC version on Lucid, and
> unfortunately I do not know, how exactly I can replicate this error,
> because usually, when I go to MDI tab, EMC stays in world mode.
> Problem is that I have a gantry machine and, this error is breaking
> the machine, when I try to jog.
> What can I do about it?

I wonder if a workaround would be to set the jog speed to zero when
the machine is not in coordinated mode?
I am not entirely clear on how the flags change in the various modes,
but I think you can find the mode with:


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