On Mar 30, 2012, at 1:20 AM, Viesturs Lācis wrote:

>> Does anyone know of some known settings to try disabling in CMOS to possibly 
>> get lower numbers? My 1.0ms Max Jitter is under 9300, but if possible I 
>> would like to get it even lower.
> IMHO it is very good number already. You have max jitter of 9,3 us in
> a 1000 us thread, so the max deviance is less than 1%, LinuxCNC will
> perfectly handle that.
> At the moment I can remember of 2 things to do, if You want to try:
> 1) for Intel processors, hyperthreading might be disabled;
> 2) for multi-core processors, one or more processors can be isolated
> exclusively for real-time tasks with isolcpus parameter;
> http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RealTime

Thanks for your explanation Viesturs!

And, that is very interesting! When I run the CPU hog, my max jitter goes down 
to about 1,000!

I would like to set the CPU as instructed, but I have never used grub before. I 
assume I add "isolcpus=1" to the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file - but I am not sure 
where to add it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


Jeshua Lacock
3DTOPO Incorporated
Phone: 208.462.4171

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