On 04/18/2012 09:14 PM, gene heskett wrote:
> [huge snip]
> To make an overly long story a bit shorter, I bought another 2Gb key that
> was actually formatted fat32, and copied everything I needed to it, then
> took it over to the neighbors.  It installed twice, the second time took.
> Now I have to figure out how to use it all over again as a lot of the
> menu's have been changed, as is the key sequences to access them.
> I can't say as I'm pleased that I actually had to go find a winderz box
> just to update an open source device.  That doesn't tell the whole story
> though as one of the reasons it kept failing was that the quoted powerup
> conditions to put it in the DFU mode was wrong, it isn't the>|| button to
> hold down, but a solid punch on the middle, 4way button to close all 4
> contacts turned out to be what was required.
> Thanks&  Cheers Adrian and list, Gene
Pictures!  We wanna see pictures!  ;-)


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